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She's Coming With Me


A片類型:無碼DVD 1片


上架時間:2024-06-05 發行日:2024-05-28

品番1:ID9134 品番2:ID9134

AV分類:女同性戀 歐美系列


AV女優:BellaRolland CherryKiss GalRitchie KenzieTaylor SophiaLocke WhitneyWright XwifeKaren

價  格:30

購買數量: 1

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Two college professors, Sophia Locke and Cherry Kiss are waiting after class for a hot college student of theirs, Gal Ritchie, to drop off a final essay before she's officially done with college. When Gal arrives to drop off the essay, they decide to ask if Gal would like to have a threesome with them -- after all, what a great way to end her time at college! X Wife Karen is looking for her roommate, Bella Rolland. While searching, Karen runs into her other roommate, Whitney Wright. They realize that Bella must be taking a shower. As they talk about Bella, it becomes apparent that Karen believes Bella will be moving out with her, while Whitney believes Bella will be moving out with HER. They start to argue, and that's when Bella, with a towel around her torso, steps into the bedroom. In order to appease both of them and calm them down, Bella offers to have sex with them both! A lesbian couple, Kenzie Taylor and Bella Rolland, are surprised to discover that an unfamiliar young woman is inside their pool cabana. Bella points out that maybe this person needs help, and suggests they should talk to her. The couple approaches the young woman, Whitney Wright, who is clearly distraught and has nowhere to stay. The couple invites her into their house...





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